There are probably two types of investments, one is investing with determination, and the other is investing with peace of mind.

Tesla is the former and gold is the latter.

“Jinzi is very magical. It will always be there regardless of whether its master’s physical body is present or not.”

In the information age, bitcoin also has similar characteristics.

Their core value lies in hedging systemic risks of credit currencies.

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No text provided.

Sorry for today’s content being a bit indulgent because of April Fool’s Day.

The profile picture of this official account has always been a large golden character, indicating the author’s obsession with this character.

One, Link to heading

The most unfairly treated dynasty in modern Chinese historical research is the Jin Dynasty.

Jin dynasty created by the indigenous people of Northeast China within the Chinese nation, which lasted even longer than the Yuan Dynasty, has been selectively ignored and rendered virtually non-existent.

Few people can name three out of the ten emperors of the Jin Dynasty, even though it was only a few hundred years ago.

The Jin Dynasty was a ruling dynasty in 12th century China. The Southern Song Dynasty submitted to them and were officially a dependent state.

After the Jurchen people took control of Central Plains, they actively studied and promoted Han culture, becoming a pillar force of the Chinese nation.

As the capital of later generations, Beijing was also chosen by the emperors of the Jin Dynasty.

After the demise of the Liao dynasty, the grasslands were left leaderless and it was only then that the Mongolians began to rise.

During the Southern Song dynasty, an alliance with the Mongols resulted in a joint attack on the ruling Jin dynasty. As a consequence, tens of millions of Han Chinese were ultimately massacred and both countries were destroyed.

Two, Link to heading

After 400 years of the Jin Dynasty’s downfall, their descendants who stayed behind in their ancestral northeastern home have achieved the world’s greatest inspiring comeback story.

These people once again used “Jin” as their country’s name, defeated the last great Khan of Mongolia, and established the Chinese Empire that continues to this day: Qing.

This perspective seems a bit harsh towards Han chauvinism, but it is history.

What is history? Apart from the saying “a girl who can be dressed up by anyone,” Professor Karl’s words provoke deeper reflection: “History is an ongoing dialogue between the past and present.”

My surname Jin (金) has no relationship with the Jin Dynasty. The southern Han Chinese also have a Jin family name with a history of over a thousand years.

The earliest meaning of gold remains the same, that is, the precious and magical metal(Gold) that hardly reacts chemically with any surrounding substances.

Friends who have watched “The Creator’s Perspective” must remember where the water in the universe comes from. However, the source of gold elements is much rarer.

Scientists believe that only the “R-process” can give birth to gold, which occurs in rare high-energy events such as collisions between two neutron stars or between a neutron star and a black hole.

Therefore, the failure of alchemy in history is inevitable.

Three, Link to heading

Sir Isaac Newton also experimented with various metals to try to turn them into gold, but it is clear that he was not successful.

In our work “Foolish Humans” we mentioned Galileo, who had a famous work called “The Assayer”. Although Galileo mainly discussed celestial motion in the book, he humbly named it “The Assayer”, meaning a person who tests the purity of gold.

The Renaissance period was not as peaceful and scientifically vibrant as many people imagine.

On the contrary, in addition to the internal conflicts within Western European countries, there have also been countless bloody wars and massive naval battles between the Ottoman Empire and the Christian world. It was a daily occurrence for pirates to raid villages and sell the inhabitants into slavery.

The most popular ransom currency was the Venetian gold coin, known as the ducat.

Navigation technology has always been the most valuable technology in history, making countries that are based on the sea regional superpowers such as Venice, Genoa, Spain, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Japan…

Four, Link to heading

Navigation and astronomy have always been closely related, and astronomy has gradually developed a golden branch: cosmology.

For the past century, theoretical physicists have been inseparable from cosmology, and modern alchemy has emerged alongside it: mathematics.

Without discussing how mathematics is used to alchemy in the capital market, let us return to the field of physics.

Astronomers have miraculously calculated the age of our universe and are confident that the margin of error does not exceed one percent.

“But what the universe is, no one can say clearly.”

Most of the time, the physical meaning represented by mathematics has long been a perplexing issue for people.

Five, Link to heading

For example, Yang Zhenning himself admitted that he misunderstood the physical significance of the Yang-Mills equation in 1954 and had insufficient understanding of the geometric meaning of the Maxwell equations. This may have been a missed opportunity for Yang and Maxwell to stand shoulder to shoulder.

From this perspective, Yang’s contribution to the theory of gauge fields is perhaps more akin to the roles played by Riemann and Minkowski in the context of relativity theory.

Compared to theories of ultimate everything, Yang is happy nonetheless, after all, having lived to see the value of their contributions.

From a mathematical perspective, both the Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the Multidimensional Universes of String Theory are logically consistent. However, it is impossible to reach a consensus in the real world as people find it hard to believe that today’s decision to eat dumplings or chicken legs can split into n universes.

Theoretical physics has reached a sorrowful dead end.

Sixth, Link to heading

In a blink of an eye, even the golden tip of the scientific crown has been pulled off. It’s really impossible to continue the deception.

In the previous article “Coupling”, a friend commented on this kind of random writing as “pure venting and ultimate enjoyment”. It made me smile.

The uncertainty of the world threatens our proud scientific worldview, as groupthink is replacing independent thought. Our anxiety and unease are being exploited, while differences and hatred within groups are magnified.

I hope that this small public account can bring us a similar sense of value and connection, even if we are worlds apart in our destinies.

We still believe that there is an unshakable golden boundary between us and the things we despise.

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My daughter who just started primary school asked, “Daddy, which is the brightest star in the sky?”

I said, “Of course, it’s our home’s Venus.”

The daughter fell asleep contentedly.